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Getting Up Early In The Morning

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Early to bed and early to rise makes us healthy- is a saying everyone knows. But who does?
We know many such a thing good for us. But who cares to follow? Actually we know it but we do not know and try to find the scientific reason behind this saying as it is conventional concept.

Morning is the best time as well as the most beautiful moment. Getting up early in the morning makes our mind fresh. The atmosphere in the early morning remains calm and refreshing. This helps our mind to be calm and receptive.

It is scientifically proved that light effects on our body. Night is the time for rest. Any light in the bedroom disturbs our sleeping. The darkness helps sound sleep. The light effect disturbs melanin hormone secretion which helps us for complete rest. The mild light which is produced in the morning before sunrise soothes our mind and body. This mild light is produced only at that moment of the day.

Even when we rise on a single day before sunrise with uncomfortableness we feel the easeness during the rest of the day. Walking at that time makes our body free of diseases.

We can walk in the morning and do some yoga exercises. Then do deep breathe exercise and meditation. Morning starts our day.

Getting up early in the morning is hard for those who gets up late. Late rising is associated with the habit of going to sleep late. If you want to get up early you have to make a habit of sleeping early. A man needs 6-8hours to sleep. The duration of sleeping varies from person to person. Some people needs 8 hours. Some sleeps 7hours and some others take 6 hours. You certainly know how much time you sleep. Just keep up the duration and go to sleep before 20- 30minutes as you do every day. Set your alarm 20-30minutes before the time of your getting up. Follow this schedule 3-5days. Then change your time of sleeping and 20- 30 minutes earlier again. Follow the schedule 3-5days to be accustomed with the time. Just maintain the time span. You can reduce or increase your time span if you think it necessary. But sleeping too much or less is harmful for health. The side effect cannot be seen immediately but you will suffer after the age of 45-50 years. So I will say that you should never lead an irregular life with the vigour of youth.

Taking bath in the morning is good. After sleeping the whole night our skin needs to be refreshed by bathing. Morning bath keeps us away from skin diseases. It also makes our day fresh.

In the morning have your breakfast with a light food. Breakfast is very necessary after a long night's fasting.

In the early morning the atmosphere remains calm and our mind also remains receptive after sleeping. It is the best time to study. We can easily memorise our lesson. Reading self-help and self-development book can make a postive attitude.

Getting up early in the morning changes the life of singers, sportsmen and many others. Singers practise singing everyday in the morning. They never miss a single day. Sportsmen exercises in the morning. And some business also gets up early for selling goods. We can get the best value of a performance if we practise it in the early morning. A man who does not get up before sunrise his fortune never shines in life.

Moring shows the day. So start your day with a consciousness to keep your mind and body active. Certainly you will have a good day.

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